Known for their continued charitable contributions to society, the Costa Mesa GC decided to include optional donations as part of their Associate Membership Network for the first time this past year. Always searching for new ways to donate, Pat Wiseman, president of the Costa Mesa GC, along with their board, looked to the SCGA for a new avenue.
“Junior golf is a good endeavor to donate to," said Wiseman. "The SCGA Junior Foundation was a perfect match and they made it really easy to participate."
To date, they’ve donated more than $1,000 to the SCGA Junior Foundation. They even went the extra mile and donated outside of the AMN.
“Besides the $1,000 from initial AMN donations, we also donated $150 when we signed up our three club champions for the SCGA Tournament of Club Champions,” Wiseman said.
Costa Mesa GC has donated to the Pat Tillman Foundation -- aimed to empower military veterans – for years, and the Associate Membership Network donation option adds to the prestige of donating to valued organizations.
“We’ve added the SCGA's Junior Foundation as a beneficiary,” Wiseman said. “Our club has benefited greatly from the SCGA's Associate program and our donations to SCGA Junior is our way of saying, ‘Thank you.’”
The Costa Mesa GC is proud to donate to the SCGA Junior Foundation, and so can you! Learn more about donating through the AMN program here.