SCGA Public Affairs

SCGA Public Affairs Updates

Archived reports on matters where golf and public policy intersect.

Statewide “Regional Stay at Home Order” Lifted

The California Department of Public Health lifts the Regional Stay at Home Order statewide.

Read More → Covid-19 Legislation / Regulation

Update: Where we stand at the beginning of 2021

As we begin a year that promises to get worse before it gets better, and it will get better, here is a quick snapshot of where some key matters stand.

Read More → Covid-19 Legislation / Regulation

Update: Federal Covid-19 Relief Package

As all are now aware, Congress has passed a $900 billion relief bill.

Read More → Covid-19 Legislation / Regulation Water / Environment

Update: COVID-19 Update

**Spoiler Alert** The News Continues to be Good for Golf!

Read More → Covid-19 Legislation / Regulation Municipal Golf

Update: COVID-19 Update


Read More → Covid-19 Municipal Golf

Update: COVID-19 Update

California is on the verge of what some are calling a “shutdown.”

Read More → Covid-19 Municipal Golf

Update: COVID-19 Update


Read More → Covid-19 Municipal Golf

Update: COVID-19 Update

Los Angeles County COVID-19 Update.

Read More → Covid-19

AB 5 [Independent Contractors] Much Done, Much Undone, and Much More in Store for 2020

After six sets of amendments, a lot of shouting, street demonstrations, threats of $90 million voter initiatives, and expressions of serious doubts from dozens of legislators who voted in the affirmative, AB 5 was passed by both houses of the legislature and signed by the Governor last week. It becomes the law of the State of California January 1, 2020.

Read More → Legislation / Regulation
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Update Types


The SCGA is committed to ensuring that golf remains a safe and viable activity during the pandemic.

Legislation / Regulation

The SCGA advocates for the game at those junctures where the game and public policy intersect by engaging elected officials, regulatory agencies, special districts, and commissions and committees of all types.

Municipal Golf

Municipal golf’s continued success is key to the game’s continued success, and SCGA Governmental Affairs is laser focused on promoting policies conducive of that success.

Water / Environment

SCGA is committed to reducing the water footprint of the game in a manner consistent with sound agronomic practice and conducive of long-term sustainability.